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I am a middle school student, I must first know: what is the low carbon? Low carbon life means life work and rest when the energy consumed by reducing, thereby reducing carbon dioxide, especially the reduce consumption, i.e., low carbon life is lower and lower energy consumption of lifestyle, reduction of its simplicity of man and nature.

"Carbon footprint" is a new term, it marks a person's "carbon amounts. "Carbon" consumption, the more to global warming, also make the murderer of carbon dioxide. Namely "carbon footprint" refers to a person's energy consciousness and behavior of nature.Now every city family home appliance to use an average standby energy consumption of 15 watts, electric shutdown ever-burning lamps didn't pull the plug, standby power of waste every year.

Not only such, life, without disposable chopsticks with shopping bags, environmental protection, are less elevators reduce carbon emissions, the only good ways to change our little habits. All life is very important, as a new era of middle school, must be "line". There are a lot of "the city", and all these people got the license without a car, they saw the automobile exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide can be more firmness, they on public transport, the determination of Qingdao subway is nearly finished.Scientific explanation: a liter of gasoline consumption per kilogram of carbon dioxide will produce 2.7 cars, is undoubtedly a high carbon life, if really need the car through a change in time, might as well keep suitable air filter, air pressure, remove timely, such habits to "low carbon", this year every car can reduce fuel consumption and emission about 180 litres of carbon dioxide 400 kilograms. Corresponding

Low carbon life is we will build green lifestyle, as long as we go, can close to life, low carbon low carbon standards of living. "Anyway, low carbon life, both to protect the environment and save yourself. Also, if by 2013, humans should have come true, surviving humans should how to survive, and the future of humanity to own reflection,







所谓“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”。就是把生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧低碳生活宣传海报化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度。它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题。我们应该积极提倡并去实践低碳生活,要注意节电、节气,从这些点滴做起。除了植树,还有人买运输里程很短的商品,有人坚持爬楼梯,形形色色,有的很有趣,有的不免有些麻烦。但关心全球气候变暖的人们却把减少二氧化碳实实在在地带入了生活。 转向低碳生活方式的重要途径之一,是戒除以高耗能源为代价的“便利消费”嗜好。“便利”是现代商业营销和消费生活中流行的价值观。不少便利消费方式在人们不经意中浪费着巨大的能源。比如,据制冷技术专家估算,超市电耗70%用于冷柜,而敞开式冷柜电耗比玻璃门冰柜高出20%。由此推算,一家中型超市敞开式冷柜一年多耗约4.8万度电,相当于多耗约19吨标煤,多排放约48吨二氧化碳,多耗约19万升净水。上海约有大中型超市近800家,超市便利店6000家。如果大中型超市普遍采用玻璃门冰柜,顾客购物时只需举手之劳,一年可节电约 4521万度,相当于节省约1.8万吨标煤,减排约4.5万吨二氧化碳。 在中国,年人均CO2排放量2.7吨,但一个城市白领即便只有40平居住面积,开1.6L车上下班,一年乘飞机12次,碳排放量也会在2611千克。由此看来,节能减排势在必行。 如果说保护环境、保护动物、节约能源这些环保理念已成行为准则,低碳生活则更是我们急需建立的绿色生活方式。 “低碳生活”虽然是新概念,但提出的却是世界可持续发展的老问题,它反映了人类因气候变化而对未来产生的担忧,世界对此问题的共识日益增多。全球变暖等气候问题致使人类不得不考量目前的生态环境。人类意识到生产和消费过程中出现的过量碳排放是形成气候问题的重要因素之一,因而要减少碳排放就要相应优化和约束某些消费和生产活动。尽管仍有学者对气候变化原因有不同的看法,但由于“低碳生活”理念至少顺应了人类“未雨绸缪”的谨慎原则和追求完美的心理与理想,因此“宁可信其有,不愿信其无”,“低碳生活”理念也就渐渐被世界各国所接受。低碳生活的出现不仅告诉人们,你可以为减碳做些什么,还告诉人们,你可以怎么做。在这种生活方式逐渐兴起的时候,大家开始关心,我今天有没有为减碳做些什么呢? 在北京的八达岭,一个碳汇林林场已经成形。如果你想抵消掉自己的碳排放,可以来这里购买碳汇林或种树。林业碳汇是通过实施造林和森林经营管理、植被恢复等活动,植物叶片中的叶绿体通过光合作用吸收水,土里的无机盐和水分,释放氧气通过筛管把制造的有机物再运送到土里,土里的真菌和细菌再把有机物分解,从而产生物质循环,对于地毯方面来说起到减少空气中二氧化碳的作用。比起少开车、少开空调,购买碳汇林的主意,受到更多人的欢迎。目前,减缓气候变暖的主要措施是减排和增汇。与减排手段相比,林业碳汇措施因其低成本、多效益、易操作,成为减缓气候变暖的重要手段。


温室气体让地球发烧。200多年来,随着工业化进程的深入,大量温室气体,主要是二氧化碳的排“受伤”的地球出,导致全球气温升高、气候发生变化,这已是不争的事实。12月8日,世界气象组织公布的“2009年全球气候状况”报告指出,近10年是有记录以来全球最热的10年。此外,全球变暖也使得南极冰川开始融化,进而导致海平面升高。芬兰和德国学者公布的最新一项调查显示,本世纪末海平面可能升高1.9米,远远超出此前的预期。如果照此发展下去,南太平洋中的岛国:图瓦卢,将可能是第一个消失在汪洋中的岛国。 美国媒体12月5日发表的一项研究指出,地球发烧也给人类的健康造成了巨大的危机。第一,过敏加重,研究显示,随着二氧化碳水平和温度的逐渐升高,花期提前来临,让花粉生成量增加,使春季过敏加重。第二,物种正在变得越来越“袖珍”,随着全球气温上升,生物形体在变小,这从苏格兰羊身上已现端倪。第三,肾结石增加,由于气温升高、脱水现象增多,研究人员预测,到2050年,将新增泌尿系统结石患者220万人。第四,外来传染病暴发,水环境温度升高会使蚊子和浮游生物大量繁殖,使登革热、疟疾和脑炎等时有暴发。第五,夏季肺部感染加重,温度升高,凉风减少会加剧臭氧污染,极易引发肺部感染。第六,藻类泛滥引发疾病,水温升高导致蓝藻迅猛繁衍,从市政供水体系到天然湖泊都会受到污染,从而引发消化系统、神经系统、肝脏和皮肤疾病。低碳生活,已成为人类急需建立的生活方式。


哥本哈根气候变化峰会自2009年12月7日开幕以来,就被冠以“有史以来最重要的会议”、“改变地低碳生活宣传海报球命运的会议”等各种重量级头衔。这次会议试图建立一个温室气体排放的全球框架,也让很多人对人类当前的生产和生活方式开始了深刻的反思。纵然世界各国仍旧减排问题进行着艰苦的角力,但低碳这个概念几乎得到了广泛认同。 低碳,是指较低或更低的温室气体(二氧化碳为主)排放。对此,中国环境科学学会秘书长任官平告诉《生命时报》:“节能就是最大的减碳。”首先,减碳主要落实在生产上,如大力开发水能、核电、风能和太阳能等清洁能源。任官平强调,减碳是每个人的责任。对我们来说,生活方式描绘了每个人的“碳足迹”。 什么样的人可以算是“低碳族”,“低碳”又代表什么呢?简单来说,“低碳”是一种生活习惯,是一种自然而然的去节约身边各种资源的习惯,只要你愿意主动去约束自己,改善自己的生活习惯,你就可以加入进来。当然,低碳并不意味着就要刻意去节俭,刻意去放弃一些生活的享受,只要你能从生活的点点滴滴做到多节约、不浪费,同样能过上舒适的“低碳生活”。 简单理解,低碳生活就是返璞归真地去进行人与自然的活动,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节,包括以下一些低碳的良好生活习惯:倡导低碳,呵护地球。


1.每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等。干净卫生,自然滋润; 2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味; 3.用过的面膜纸也不要扔掉,用它来擦首饰、擦家具的表面或者擦皮带,不仅擦得亮还能留下面膜纸的香气; 4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠; 5.出门购物,尽量自己带环保袋,无论是免费或者收费的塑料袋,都减少使用; 6.出门自带喝水杯,减少使用一次性杯子; 7.多用永久性的筷子、饭盒,尽量避免使用一次性的餐具; 8.养成随手关闭电器电源的习惯,避免浪费用电; 9.尽量不使用冰箱、空调、电风扇,热时可用蒲扇或其他材质的扇子。 经过手工DIY的再创造,你会发现原来废物也是宝,这样的家居环境健康且充满了创意的小欢乐。 “低碳一族”正以自己生活细节的改变证明:气候变化已经不再只是环保主义者、政府官员和专家学者关心的问题,而是与我们每个人息息相关。在提倡健康生活已成潮流的今天,“低碳生活”不再只是一种理想,更是一种值得期待的新的生活方式。 还有一些不容易注意的几点: 1.每天使用传统的发条闹钟,取代电子闹钟; 2.在午休和下班后关掉电脑电源; 3.一旦不用电灯、空调,随手关掉;手机一旦充电完成,立即拔掉充电插头; 4.选择晾晒衣物,避免使用滚筒式干衣机;用在附近公园等适合跑步的空气清新的地方中的慢跑取代在跑步机上的45分钟锻炼; 5.用节能灯替换60瓦的灯泡;不开汽车改骑自行车,或步行; 6.在使用电脑时,尽量使用低亮度,开启程序少些等,这样可以节电。 7.如果可以,尽量少看电视。建议多看书,既可节电,也可以增长知识。


冰箱内存放食物的量以占容积的60%为宜,放得过多或过少,都费电。食品之间、食品与冰箱之间应低碳生活宣传海报留有约10毫米以上的空隙。用数个塑料盒盛水,在冷冻室制成冰后放入冷藏室,这样能延长停机时间、减少开机时间。 空调启动瞬间电流较大,频繁开关相当费电,且易损坏压缩机。将风扇放在空调内机下方,利用风扇风力提高制冷效果。空调开启后马上开电风扇。晚上可以不用整夜开空调,省电近90%。将空调设置在除湿模式工作,此时即使室温稍高也能令人感觉凉爽,且比制冷模式省电。 洗衣机在同样长的洗涤时间里,弱档工作时,电动机启动次数较多,也就是说,使用强档其实比弱档省电,且可延长洗衣机的寿命。按转速1680转/分(只适用涡轮式)脱水1分钟计算,脱水率可达55%。一般脱水不超过3分钟。再延长脱水时间则意义不大。 微波炉较干的食品加水后搅拌均匀,加热前用聚丙烯保鲜膜覆盖或者包好,或使用有盖的耐热的玻璃器皿加热。每次加热或烹调的食品以不超过0.5千克为宜,最好切成小块,量多时应分时段加热,中间加以搅拌。尽可能使用“高火”。为减少解冻食品时开关微波炉的次数,可预先将食品从冰箱冷冻室移入冷藏室,慢慢解冻,并充分利用冷冻食品中的“冷能”。 计算机短时间不用电脑时,启用电脑的“睡眠”模式(也就是待机模式),能耗可下降到50%以下;关掉不用的程序和音箱、打印机等外围设备;少让硬盘、软盘、光盘同时工作;适当降低显示器的亮度。用笔记本计算机要特别注意:对电池完全放电;尽量不使用外接设备;关闭暂不使用的设备和接口;关闭屏幕保护程序;合理选择关机方式:需要立即恢复时采用“待机”、电池运用选“睡眠”、长时间不用选“关机”;电池运用时,在WindowsXP/VISTA下,通过SpeedStep技术,CPU自动降频,功耗可降低40%。 燃气用大火比用小火烹调时间短,可以减少热量散失。但也不宜让火超出锅底,以免浪费燃气。夏季气温高,烧开水前先不加盖,让比空气温度低的水与空气进行热交换,等自然升温至空气温度时再加盖烧水,可省燃气。烧煮前,先擦干锅外的水滴,能够煮的食物尽量不用蒸的方法烹饪,不易煮烂的食品用高压锅或无油烟不锈钢锅烧煮、加热熟食用微波炉等等方法,也都有助于节省燃气。 开短会也是一种节约,照明、空调、扩音用电都能省下来。即将过期的香水,可喷洒在塞入枕头的干燥花里、洗衣服的水中和拖过的地板上。任何电器一旦不用立即拔掉插头。 尽量选用公共交通,开车出门购物要有购物计划,尽可能一次购足。多步行,骑自行车,坐轻轨地铁,少开车。开车节能:避免冷车启动,减少怠速时间,避免突然变速,选择合适挡位避免低档跑高速,定期更换机油,高速莫开窗,轮胎气压要适当。 多用电邮,MSN,QQ等即时通讯工具,少用传真打印机,多植树。 少吃带包装袋的食品,减少使用包装袋的次数 多乘公交车。交通产生的二氧化碳占温室气体排放量30%以上,减少此类排放量的最好办法之一是:乘坐公交车。美国公共交通联合会称,公共交通每年节省近53亿升天然气,这意味着能减少150万吨二氧化碳排放量。 坚持小习惯 1.少搭乘1次电梯,就减少0.218kg的碳排放量; 2.少开冷气1小时,就减少0.621kg的碳排放量; 3.少吹电扇1小时,就减少0.045kg的碳排放量; 4.少看电视1小时,就减少0.096kg的碳排放量; 5.少用灯泡1小时,就减少0.041kg的碳排放量; 6.少开车1公里,就减少0.22kg的碳排放量; 7.少吃1次快餐,就减少0.48kg的碳排放量; 8.少烧1kg纸钱,就减少1.46kg的碳排放量; 9.少丢1kg垃圾,就减少2.06kg的碳排放量; 10.少吃1kg牛肉,就减少13kg的碳排放量; 11.省一度电,就减少0.638kg的碳排放量; 12.省一度水,就减少0.194kg的碳排放量; 13.省一度天然气,就减少2.1kg的碳排放量; 14.如果一天做到每一项,那么我们可以每天减少21.173kg的碳排放量; 如果全中国每一人每一天都能做到每一项,那么我们每天可以减少29642200000kg的碳排放量,约合3x10^7吨。 如果全世界每一人每一天都能做到每一项,,那么我们每天可以减少1058650000000kg的碳排放量,约合1.1x10^8吨。


1、少用纸巾,重拾手帕,保护森林,低碳生活。 2、每张纸都双面打印,相当于保留下半片原本将被砍掉的森林; 3、随手关灯、开关、拔插头,这是第一步,也是个人修养的表现;不坐电梯爬楼梯,省下大家的电,换自己的健康; 4、绿化不仅是去郊区种树,在家种些花草一样可以,还无须开车; 5、是的,一只塑料袋5毛钱,但它造成的污染可能是5毛钱的50倍; 6、完美的浴室未必一定要有浴缸;已经安了,未必每次都用;已经用了,请用积水来冲洗马桶; 7、关掉不用的电脑程序,减少硬盘工作量,既省电也维护你的电脑; 8、想避开车来说,骑自行车上下班的人一不担心油价涨,二不担心体重涨; 9、没必要一进门就把全部照明打开,人类发明电灯至今不过130年,之前的几千年也过得好好的; 10、考虑到坐公交为世界环境做的贡献,至少可以抵消一部分开私家车带来的优越感; 11、请相信,痴迷皮草那不过是一种反祖冲动; 12、可以这么认为,气候变暖一部分是出于对过度使用空调\暖气的报复; 13、尽量少使用一次性牙刷、一次性塑料袋、一次性水杯……因为制造他们所使用的石油也是一次性的; 14、如果你知道西方一些海洋博物馆里展出中国生产的鱼翅罐头,还会有这么好的食欲吃鱼翅捞饭么; 15、未必红木和真皮才能体现居家品味;建议使用竹制家具,因为竹子比树木长得快; 16、其实利用太阳能这种环保能源最简单的方式,就是尽量把工作放在白天做; 17、过量肉食至少伤害三个对象:动物,你自己和地球; 18、婚礼仪式不是你憋足28年劲甩出的面子,更不是家底积累的PK。如今简约、低碳才更是甜蜜文明的附件值; 19、认为把水龙头开到最大才能把蔬菜盘碗洗得更干净,那只是心理作用; 20、可以理直气壮地说,衣服攒够一桶再洗不是因为懒,而是为了节约水电; 21、把一个孩子从婴儿期养到学龄前,花费确实不少,部分玩具、衣物、书籍用二手的就好; 22、如果堵车的队伍太长,还是先熄了火,安心等会儿吧; 23、等期检查轮胎气压,气量过低或过足都会增加油耗; 24、定期清洗空调,不仅为了健康,还可以省不少电; 25、一般的车用93#油就够了,盲目使用97#可能既废油,还伤发动机; 26、跟老公交司机学习如何省油:少用急刹,把油门松了,靠惯性滑过去; 27、有些人,尤其是女性,洗个澡用掉四五十升水,洁癖也不用这么夸张; 28、科学地勤俭节约是优良传统;剩菜冷却后,用保鲜膜包好再送进冰箱;热汽不仅增加冰箱做功,还会结霜,双重费电; 29、其实空调外机都是按照防水要求设计的,给它穿外套,只会降低散热效果,当然费电; 30、洗衣粉出泡多少与洗净能力之间无必然联系,而低泡洗衣粉可以比高泡洗衣粉少漂洗几次,省水省电省时间; 31、洗衣机开强档比开弱档更省电,还能延长机器寿命; 32、电视机在待机状态下耗电量一般为其开机功率的10%左右,这笔帐算起来还真不太小; 33、如果只用电脑听音乐,显示器仅可以调暗,或者干脆关掉; 34、如果热水用得多,不妨让热水器始终通电保温,因为保温一天所用的电,比一箱凉水烧到相同温度还要低; 35、洗干净同样一辆车,用桶盛水擦洗只是用水龙头冲洗用水量的1/8; 36、可以把马桶水箱里的浮球调低2厘米,一年可以省下4立方水; 37、建立节省档案,把每月消耗的水电煤气也记记账,做到心中有数; 38、买电器看节能指标,这是最简单不过的方法了; 39、实验证明,中火烧水最省气; 40、10年前乱丢电池还可以能是无知,现在就完全是不负责任了; 41、随身常备筷子或勺子,已经是环保人士的一种标签; 42、冰箱内存放物品的量以占容积的80%为宜,放得过多或过少,都费电; 43、开短会也是一种节约-照明、空调、音响等等; 44、没事多出去走走,“宅”是很费电的; 45、非必要的话,尽量买本地、当季产品,运输和包装常常比生产更耗能; 46、植树为你排放的二氧化碳埋单,排多少,吸多少; 47、衣服多选棉质、亚麻和丝绸,不仅环保、时尚,而且优雅、耐穿; 48、烘干真的很必要吗?还是多让你的衣服晒晒太阳吧; 49、美国有统计表明:离婚之后的人均资源消耗量比离婚前高出42%-61%,让我们用婚姻保护地球吧!


“低碳”是一个涵盖内容非常广的概念,所有能够降低二氧化碳排放的方式都可以统称为低碳,包括低碳生活宣传海报工业生产上的节能减排、建筑的绿色设计、汽车的节能。低碳生活对于家居来讲,也能尽量节约能源,减低有害物质的排放。 简约大方最利于节能 近几年来,简约的设计风格渐渐成为家庭装修中的主导风格。而简约的风格恰恰就是家装节能中最为合理的关键因素,当然简约并不等于简单,只要设计考虑周全,简约的风格是很适宜现代装修,特别是年轻人的装修来使用的。而且这样的设计风格能最大限度地减少家庭装修当中的材料浪费问题。通透的设计如今也慢慢被越来越多的业主所接受,而这样的设计在保持通风和空气流通的同时,也很大程度上减少了能源浪费。 色彩回归环保自然 以前的家总是千篇一律的白色,随着化工产业的发展,家居的颜色越来越多。其实色彩的运用也是关系到节能的,过多使用大红、绿色、紫色等深色系其实就会浪费能源。 特别是高温时节,由于深色的涂料比较吸热,大面积设计使用在家庭装修墙面中,白天吸收大量的热能,晚上使用空调会增加居室的能量消耗。 绿色建材筑就低碳生活 在装修过程中,其实可以更多在一些不注重牢度的“地带”使用类似轻钢龙骨、石膏板等轻质隔墙材料,尽量少用粘土实心砖、射灯、铝合金门窗等。而在一些设计上也可以考虑放弃,比如绝大多数家庭只是偶尔使用的射灯和灯带,其实是造价不菲的设计,很可能成为一大浪费。完全可以通过材质对比、色彩搭配等各种手段,替代射灯和灯带。 此外,搬新居时,能继续使用的家具尽量不换。多使用竹制、藤制的家具,这些材料可再生性强,也能减少对森林资源的消耗。 低碳生活,家居业似乎已经领先一步。从环保材料到环保装修,从砍伐树木到建设速生林,从发光顶设计到太阳能灯具…… 人类生活活动需要消耗能量,并释放大量的二氧化碳。科学家发现,近200年来空气中的二氧化碳含量已经上升30%,人们普遍认为各类极端气候都和此有关。人们开始呼吁“低碳经济,低碳生活”。这是在不降低生活质量的前提下,利用高科技以及清洁能源,减少能耗,减少污染的生活模式。 低碳生活并不深奥。东易日盛设计师认为,“低碳”最原始的表现形式,就是如何用最少的钱干最多的事。装修初期,业主和设计师都想方设法用最低的成本,最常见的材料和最简单的设计,布置出一个舒适、安全又健康的家。但随着社会的发展,大家开始在个性风格、特殊材料和高科技智能产品上下工夫,此举无疑消耗了许多不必要的能源。如今,环境污染严重,能源缺乏和经济危机等因素,促使最初简朴的装修理念升级为低碳生活了。 简约设计风潮再回归 “近年来,尽管家装风格概念一直在不停变换,现代简约的设计风格始终是主流。”瑞家装饰设计师说,许多中高端的客户主动提出,拒绝采用过去那种崇尚奢华的家装设计理念,改走简约路线,以自然通风、自然采光为原则,减少空调、电灯的使用几率,节约装饰材料、节约用电、节约建造成本。 “如果能尽量减少不必要的房屋内部结构改造,那就更‘低碳’了。”业之峰装饰设计师认为,从设计上而言,低碳理念其实与这两年一些家装公司强调的“轻装修,重装饰”的理念是吻合的。在装修设计的时候,一些较为时尚的家庭也不再简单地用吊顶、壁柜,以及用一些昂贵的装饰材料打造的装饰造型等将空间堆砌装满,他们更讲究空间布局、功能设置等,注重装修和装饰的区分,会利用实用的家具与恰到好处的装饰品来表现强烈的个人风格和情趣。 东易日盛设计师建议,简约装修要遵循“少改动少修饰”的原则。即使房间结构存在很多问题,也不要大规模改动。消费者可以和设计师多沟通,用其他办法解决或弥补。房间中少用隔断等装饰手法,尽量用空间的变化来达到效果。如果一定要使用隔断,尽可能将其与储物柜、书柜等家具合二为一,减少其独立存在的机会,增大室内空间。另外,减少隔断的设置,还可以加速室内空气流动,减少空调、电扇等家用电器的耗能。 充分利用可循环材料 家居行业的原材料在采集、生产制造和运输时都需要耗费大量的能源,能够做到“低碳”、“可持续发展”的不多。“家装设计正在流行‘天然风’,并非只为了迎合田园式、乡村式的风格。”华泰经典装饰设计师认为,家装流行“天然风”的意义在于它对自然环境的保护,建议业主在选择木材、棉花、金属、塑料、玻璃、藤条时,要尽可能地使用可循环利用的材料。 在装饰材料的选择上,很多人并非不注重环保,而是容易陷入一些认识上的误区。在装修过程中,其实可以更多地选择一些类似轻钢龙骨、石膏板等轻质隔墙材料,少用黏土实心砖、射灯、铝合金门窗等资源浪费较大的材料,也可以从侧面降低家装工程的碳排放量。 一些家居配饰师也认为,在家居生活中合理利用废旧物品对于营造“低碳”的生活环境同样意义重大。比如,将喝过的茶叶晒干做枕头芯,不仅舒适,还能帮助改善睡眠;用废纸壳做烟灰缸,随用随扔,省事且方便。这些毫不起眼的废物经过精心的DIY,都可以变废为宝,让自己的家变得更环保、更温馨,又充满实现创意的欢乐。 节约能源 低碳家居的核心是节能,但是节能并不意味着要牺牲居住的舒适度,并非就是要把空调或采暖系统关了。其实低碳生活是一种态度,就是在对人类生存环境影响最小,甚至是有助于改善人类生存环境的前提下,让人的身心处于舒适的状态。比如,利用太阳能等可再生能源进行照明和供暖;还有欧洲现在建设了很多零排放建筑,隔热效果非常好,在自然通风的条件下,隔热层可以把室内温度调控到一个合适的水平。




温室气体中最主要的是水蒸气,它造成的温室效应达80-95%。根据不同研究资料 ,一、二氧化碳只占温室气体的10-14%,而这其中又有85-97%是自然界产生的。因此人类产生的二氧化碳气体实际上对温室效应的贡献极为有限(0.2-0.3%)。大气物理学家Fred Singer 计算,如果京都协定能够达到目标,温室效应可以减少,对2050年地球气温的影响是区区0.05度。西方社会在经济危机的今天突然倡导低碳生活的用意是什么?


































































































题目:An activity about low carbon living

正文:Currently,my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living.

In the activity,we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.And when the Christmas comes,sending e-greeting cards instead of tridional cards of which are made of wood as we know.Besides,we should use both sides of every piece of paper and we should save water as well as electricity.

I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment.


我们中的每个人都应该对自己日常生活活动和选择所产生的温室气体负责。因此,防止气候变化需要地球上的每个人共同来努力。 EACH and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

在中国,平均每户每年的碳排放量是2.41吨二氧化碳。足够填充半个奥运游泳池了。 The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. That's enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.

看到这个数字觉得吃惊么?下面,我们来看看怎样减少碳排放量。 Surprised? Well, here's how you can work to reduce it:

1. 开始计算你自己的碳排放量。这个数据是你的起点,从这里开始你可以监控自己的进展。接下来,你可以记录一些细节,例如:你所居住的公寓的情况,你的个人能源消费及旅游习惯。 1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. 每周有一天吃素。由于烹饪肉类耗时较长,所以耗能更多。此外,动物打嗝、放屁时会产生另一种危险的温室气体--甲烷。 2. Each week, choose one day when you don't eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. 只买适量的食物,如有剩饭要富有创新精神。例如:将剩菜做成汤。在餐厅吃饭,如有剩饭一定要打包。但是,切记要适用自己的饭盒,避免用一次性饭盒。 3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if there's some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.

4. 了解身边的回收利用设施。然后,确保把纸张、塑料瓶等物品分开以方便回收。也有回收电器、电池的地方,确保你能找到它们。 4. Find out what the recycling options are in your area. Then make sure you keep items such as paper and plastic bottles separate so that they can be recycled. There are places where you can recycle electronic appliances and batteries. Make sure you find them.

5. 使用节能灯泡节省能源。它们的耗电量仅是普通灯泡的三分之一,持续时间却是后者的10倍。 5. Conserve energy by using efficient light bulbs. They use about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long.

6. 热水器不用就别开,温度控制不要过热。烧水时在锅上盖好盖子。 6. Only turn the water heater on when necessary, and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating. Put a lid on a pan when boiling water.

7. 使用后的废水将被处理,此时污水中的部分甲烷会释放到大气中。建议采用喷头淋浴而非浴缸。缩短两分钟洗澡时间,省水同时为自己多争取两分钟睡眠时间。 7. After use, waste water has to be treated, and some methane from sewage escapes into the atmosphere. Take showers rather than baths and reduce your shower time by two minutes. This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed.

8. 使用洗衣机时,确认满载,如果衣服不是很脏就把温度调低。 8. When using the washing machine, be sure there's a full load and turn the temperature down if it's not really grubby.

9. 和洗衣机一样位列“最贪婪”家电的就是电冰箱了。电冰箱要避免太阳直射,远离微波炉或火炉,尽量保证它的工作效率。另外,切记不要把热的食物放进冰箱。 9. The greediest home device along with the washing machine is the fridge. Make sure it's as efficient as possible by keeping it out of direct sunlight and away from the oven or heater. Don't put food in when it's still warm.

10. 这一点很明显也很重要:不使用时,关掉所有电器,包括灯。 10. This is obvious, but essential: switch off all appliances when you're not using them. This includes lights.

11. 门底或窗户缝进风时,没必要提高室内温度。再密封一下窗户缝就可以留住热气了。 11. There's no point having the heat up high while the wind's blowing in under the door or sneaking in through the window. Reseal all window frames to keep the heat in.

12. 取消不必要的打印工作,纸张两面都可打印,尽量减少页边空白。 12. Only print things out when necessary, and print double-sided and reduce the margins.

13. 在单位尽量使用自己的杯子和餐具。这能减少一次性杯子和餐具的废弃量--但是,这就意味着洗餐具要消耗很多水。因此,洗餐具时要注意用水方法。 13. Take your own mug and cutlery to work. This saves throwing away disposable cups and containers - but that could be outweighed by washing your cutlery. So, pay attention to how you use water when washing your dishes.

14. 食品生产耗能巨大。买食品时,请尽量选择当地食品而非进口食品,买新鲜蔬菜而不是冷冻食品。 14. Food production eats up lots of energy. When you buy food, go local rather than imported, and get fresh vegetables instead of frozen.

15. 使用可再用、可循环、可降解物品。记得使用可再用的购物袋。 15. Look for reusable, recyclable, biodegradable items and remember to carry your reusable shopping bags!

16. 尽量买高质量,寿命长的商品,尽管这可能会有一点贵。笔记本电脑比台式电脑效率更高,小屏幕电视比宽屏电视要好。 16. Try to buy high-quality, long-lasting products even though they may cost a little more. A laptop is more efficient than a desktop, and a small screen TV is better than a big flat-screen.

17. 不要购买没必要的衣物,对衣物料子的选择要谨慎。羊毛和棉织品有很强的温室气体影响。人造纤维,例如伸缩尼龙就是个更好的选择。 17. Don't purchase unnecessary clothes, and be careful about the materials you buy. Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gas impact. Manmade fibers such as polyester are a better choice.

18. 所有机动化的外出旅行都会产生二氧化碳。公共汽车和火车会比汽车好,而步行和骑自行车更好。这不仅有益身心健康,还很便宜。 18. All motorized travel is carbon-intensive. Buses and trains are better than cars, but walking or cycling is better still. It's also better for your health and cheaper.

19. 相比而言,航空旅行简直就是环境灾难。除了二氧化碳,飞机还释放出另外一种有害气体--一氧化碳。 19. Air travel is an environmental disaster. As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas.

20. (碳评论博客写手)Chris Goodall曾说:“研究这个问题,从中找到适合中国的选项。一起讨论接下来该怎么做。努力用中国的熟练技能为世界其他国家提供答案。如果气候变化问题持续不加以抑制,中国也将不能自给自足。我们没有选择。我们不得不采取行动。” 20. Chris Goodall says: "Study the issues. Understand the options available to China. Get involved in the debates about what to do. Find ways of using the country's immense skills to provide answers to the rest of the world. If climate change goes on unchecked, China will not be able to feed itself. Water will run out. We have no choice. We have to act."

21. 了解当地致力于防备气候变化的组织。多了解该方面信息,积极参与活动、传播消息。 21. Find out about local groups that are committed to combating climate change. Stay informed, get involved, and spread the word.


(1)Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. Our government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

(2)The World Expo in 2010

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government

has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.






In simple terms, low carbon life is a kind of living habits, is a kind of natural resources to save nearby. If you want to improve your bound himself, living habit, you can join in. Low carbon life, not only tell people, you can do something for carbon reduction, also tell people, you can do. We should actively promote and practice, low carbon life saving electricity saving starts, the dots solar. Of course a low carbon doesn't mean to try to give up some thrifty, deliberately enjoyment of life, as long as you can to save from life, don't waste, this is a low carbon life.

Low carbon is everyone

#39;s responsibility, is an attitude, not a kind of ability. For us, low carbon life is simple way of life

低碳生活英语作文二:The Low-carbon Economic

Nowadays,with more and more serious problems such as the increasing global temperture,the melting ice and the rising sea-levering,people are recognizing the important of developing the low-carbon economic now.

There are many ways we can do to reach the loe-carbon economic.Fristly,discovering others fuels which is more clean and more green to instead of the using of carbon.Secondly, we should have the save-energy conscious and do something which we can make,for instance,using the bus ranther than car when you go out,re-use the thing that can be recycle used,reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least,we should plant more trees or other greenplants,in which way we can not only improve the environment,but also can make our home more beauty.

In my opnion, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon economic is everyone must try their best do what they can do for it.Once everyone have the sence of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves ,it will be earlier to reach it.


Nowadays ,many people are talking about low carbon living. I think each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

2010 World Expo was held in Shanghai. Shanghai Expo theme is "Better City, Better Life." As a student, we should do something about environmental protection. For example, plant trees, save water and less your car.


Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can‘t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.

On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”。 So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again. Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let‘s do it now.

低碳生活英语作文五:Low-carbon Living

Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. That‘s enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.

Surprised? Well, here‘s how you can work to reduce it:

1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. Each week, choose one day when you don‘t eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if there‘s some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.


There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today. AD: From Joozone.Com.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves

低碳生活英语作文七:An activity about low carbon living

Currently, my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living.

In the activity, we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus. And when the Christmas comes, sending e-greeting cards instead of traditional cards of which are made of wood as we know. Besides ,we should use both sides of every piece of paper and we should save water as well as electricity.

I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment.



EACH and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.


The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. That's enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.


Surprised? Well, here's how you can work to reduce it:

1. 开始计算你自己的碳排放量。这个数据是你的起点,从这里开始你可以监控自己的进展。接下来,你可以记录一些细节,例如:你所居住的公寓的情况,你的个人能源消费及旅游习惯。

1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. 每周有一天吃素。由于烹饪肉类耗时较长,所以耗能更多。此外,动物打嗝、放屁时会产生另一种危险的温室气体--甲烷。

2. Each week, choose one day when you don't eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. 只买适量的食物,如有剩饭要富有创新精神。例如:将剩菜做成汤。在餐厅吃饭,如有剩饭一定要打包。但是,切记要适用自己的饭盒,避免用一次性饭盒。

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if there's some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.

4. 了解身边的回收利用设施。然后,确保把纸张、塑料瓶等物品分开以方便回收。也有回收电器、电池的地方,确保你能找到它们。

4. Find out what the recycling options are in your area. Then make sure you keep items such as paper and plastic bottles separate so that they can be recycled. There are places where you can recycle electronic appliances and batteries. Make sure you find them.

5. 使用节能灯泡节省能源。它们的耗电量仅是普通灯泡的三分之一,持续时间却是后者的10倍。

5. Conserve energy by using efficient light bulbs. They use about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long.

6. 热水器不用就别开,温度控制不要过热。烧水时在锅上盖好盖子。

6. Only turn the water heater on when necessary, and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating. Put a lid on a pan when boiling water.

7. 使用后的废水将被处理,此时污水中的部分甲烷会释放到大气中。建议采用喷头淋浴而非浴缸。缩短两分钟洗澡时间,省水同时为自己多争取两分钟睡眠时间。

7. After use, waste water has to be treated, and some methane from sewage escapes into the atmosphere. Take showers rather than baths and reduce your shower time by two minutes. This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed.

8. 使用洗衣机时,确认满载,如果衣服不是很脏就把温度调低。

8. When using the washing machine, be sure there's a full load and turn the temperature down if it's not really grubby.

9. 和洗衣机一样位列“最贪婪”家电的就是电冰箱了。电冰箱要避免太阳直射,远离微波炉或火炉,尽量保证它的.工作效率。另外,切记不要把热的食物放进冰箱。

9. The greediest home device along with the washing machine is the fridge. Make sure it's as efficient as possible by keeping it out of direct sunlight and away from the oven or heater. Don't put food in when it's still warm.

10. 这一点很明显也很重要:不使用时,关掉所有电器,包括灯。

10. This is obvious, but essential: switch off all appliances when you're not using them. This includes lights.

11. 门底或窗户缝进风时,没必要提高室内温度。再密封一下窗户缝就可以留住热气了。

11. There's no point having the heat up high while the wind's blowing in under the door or sneaking in through the window. Reseal all window frames to keep the heat in.

12. 取消不必要的打印工作,纸张两面都可打印,尽量减少页边空白。

12. Only print things out when necessary, and print double-sided and reduce the margins.

13. 在单位尽量使用自己的杯子和餐具。这能减少一次性杯子和餐具的废弃量--但是,这就意味着洗餐具要消耗很多水。因此,洗餐具时要注意用水方法。

13. Take your own mug and cutlery to work. This saves throwing away disposable cups and containers - but that could be outweighed by washing your cutlery. So, pay attention to how you use water when washing your dishes.

14. 食品生产耗能巨大。买食品时,请尽量选择当地食品而非进口食品,买新鲜蔬菜而不是冷冻食品。

14. Food production eats up lots of energy. When you buy food, go local rather than imported, and get fresh vegetables instead of frozen.

15. 使用可再用、可循环、可降解物品。记得使用可再用的购物袋。

15. Look for reusable, recyclable, biodegradable items and remember to carry your reusable shopping bags!

16. 尽量买高质量,寿命长的商品,尽管这可能会有一点贵。笔记本电脑比台式电脑效率更高,小屏幕电视比宽屏电视要好。

16. Try to buy high-quality, long-lasting products even though they may cost a little more. A laptop is more efficient than a desktop, and a small screen TV is better than a big flat-screen.

17. 不要购买没必要的衣物,对衣物料子的选择要谨慎。羊毛和棉织品有很强的温室气体影响。人造纤维,例如伸缩尼龙就是个更好的选择。

17. Don't purchase unnecessary clothes, and be careful about the materials you buy. Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gas impact. Manmade fibers such as polyester are a better choice.



Today's society is a highly developed technological society. But, as is known to us , all our environment is getting worse and worse.

In some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats. so a low carbon life is becoming more and more popular among people. A low carbon life can be of great use for us . Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. But what should we do for it ?

In my view , First of all, as students, we should go to school on foot instead of driving a car. Cars not only let out carbon dioxide but also waste energy. Second ,we had best not use plastic bags which can bring about the white pollution. We should use the environmentally-friendly bags. Third, it's of great use to plant trees. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Now we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.

From now on we started operations! I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment.







ILOVE YOU ! My baby…….




What Can Do for the Environment 为题写一篇“低碳生活”的演讲稿


Hello,everyone.I'mZhangLi.It's nice to speak about what we can do for the environment,and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem.

What can we do for the environment?There are many ways.We should use cloth bags when shopping instead of using plastic bags all the time.We should also reuse the books as possible as we can.What's more,we should turn off the lights when we leave the

classroom.And we'd better walk to school or ride our bikes instead of driving cars.All in all,each one of us is responsible to protect the environment,and we should save the energy in our daily lives.

In fact,If everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.Thank yon for yo listening!


Lower carbon life

Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment. As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth.

From now on,I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car.I'll use fewer plastic bags【少用塑料袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】.In order to save energy,I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher.I'll take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】.At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we don't need to cut down more trees. If everyone takes action,our enivronment will be better and better.Our world will be more beautiful.

三、目前,随着环保意识的增强,越来越多的人们开始倡导低碳生活。请根据下面的图表以及中文提示,用英语写一篇短文,简要描述全球近五十年来气候变化,并分析其产生的主要原因、影响及解决措施。 原因:1)过多使用矿物燃料;2)过度砍伐森林。


措施:1)控制二氧化碳排放;2)采用新型能源 注意:



3.参考词汇:矿物燃料fossil fuels;二氧化碳carbon dioxide;释放:release

One possible version:

The diagram shows the weather changes in the global climate. It tells us that the global average temperature has increased by 0.8℃ from 17℃ in 1951 to 17.8℃ in 2001. thus, we can come to a conclusion that our earth is getting warmer and warmer.

As far as we know, the major reason for global warming is due to human activities. Firstly, the use of fossil fuels by industry releases greenhouse gases. Moreover, cutting down forests means that less carbon dioxide can be changed back into oxygen. As a consequence of global warming, the sea level is rising. And people are suffering more extreme weather of global warming, the sea level is rising. And people are suffering more extreme weather. The increase in temperature is also causing much damage to the balance of nature.

It’s high time that we should take measures to protect our earth. Not only can we control the releasing of carbon dioxide, but also we can be encouraged to use new energy, such as solar energy.

In a word, only in this way can we make our earth a better place for our human beings.









参考词汇:emission 排放

Low carbon living is meant to reduce the energy one consumes in everyday life, so as to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. It has become a heated topic in society.

The economy is developing fast, so are our living standards. However, the rapid development of economy also gives rise to a series of problems, among which a serious one is the excessive emissions of carbon dioxide . It in turn causes other problems, such as air pollution, green house effect, and the change of climate. As a result, the earth is in danger. It is high time we should take actions.

To adopt a low carbon living, there are many things we can do. As is advocated by the UN, we can use public transport services instead of private cars; we should remember to turn off electrical equipment such as lights and computers when they are not in use... These seemingly small things can make a big diffence.

求高手写英语作文:低碳环保 好追分

Teachers, students

Hello! Today I speech topic is: low carbon life, healthy life.

The so-called "low carbon life" is in the life work and rest time reduce the energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions. Low carbon life, for ordinary people speaking is a life attitude, also become people to promote new ways. Trend It gives us the proposed is a "willing to and everybody together to create a low carbon life" problem. But we should actively promote and practice low carbon electricity, should pay attention to life cycle, turn out the lights a hour... Starting from the dots. In addition to plant trees, others buy transport mileage very short commodity, someone adhere to climb the stairs and various, some very interesting, some unavoidable some trouble. Low carbon life can be understood as: reduce carbon dioxide emissions, is low energy, low consumption, low costs of life. But the prerequisite is not lower the quality of life in the case, do his best to save energy. "Energy conservation and emission reduction in today's society is not only of the vulgar, but also related to human future strategic choice. Improve "saving" consciousness, to his way of life or consumption habits simple change, together to reduce global greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide emissions, main reduce is of great significance. "Low carbon life" energy conservation and environmental protection, helps to slow down global warming climate and environmental degradation speed. Reduce carbon emissions, choose the "low carbon life", is every citizen should do their duty.

Human consciousness to production and consumption appeared in the process of excessive carbon emissions is forming climate problem is one of the important factors, so you need to reduce carbon emissions will optimize accordingly and repressing certain consumption and production activities. Despite the scholars for climate change reason has different view, but because of "low carbon life" concept at least complied with human "for a rainy day" the principle of prudence and perfection of psychology and ideal, therefore "would rather have, do not wish to believe its believe its nothing", "low carbon life" concept is gradually accepted by all over the world. The emergence of low carbon life not only tell people, you can for reducing carbon emissions do what, also tell people, you can do. In this way of life gradually arisen, everyone began to care, today I have for carbon reduction doing what? In Beijing badaling, a low carbon forestry put into operation, forthcoming are formed.

We should form the good habit of saving environmental protection, thus make our earth healthy environmental protection, the school will be next Saturday organization in the city on a classmate of low carbon environmental protection activities, hope solicitation volunteers signed up.

Thank you, and I talk over!"




所谓“低碳生活”就是把生活作息时间中所耗用的能量尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于普通人来说是一种生活态度,同时也成为人们推进潮流的新方式。它给我们提出的是一个“愿不愿意和大家共同创造低碳生活”的问题。 但是我们应该积极提倡并去实践低碳生活,要注意节电、节气、熄灯一小时…从这些点滴做起。除了植树,还有人买运输里程很短的商品,有人坚持爬楼梯,形形色色,有的很有趣,有的不免有些麻烦。低碳生活可以理解为:减少二氧化碳的排放,就是低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。但前提是在不降低生活质量的情况下,尽其所能的节能减排。“节能减排”,不仅是当今社会的流行语,更是关系到人类未来的战略选择。提高“节能减排”意识,对自己的生活方式或消费习惯进行简单易行的改变,一起减少全球温室气体(主要减少二氧化碳)排放,意义十分重大。“低碳生活”节能环保,有利于减缓全球气候变暖和环境恶化的速度。减少二氧化碳排放,选择“低碳生活”,是每位公民应尽的责任。

人类意识到生产和消费过程中出现的过量碳排放是形成气候问题的重要因素之一,因而要减少碳排放就要相应优化和约束某些消费和生产活动。尽管仍有学者对气候变化原因有不同的看法,但由于“低碳生活”理念至少顺应了人类“未雨绸缪”的谨慎原则和追求完美的心理与理想,因此“宁可信其有,不愿信其无”,“低碳生活”理念也就渐渐被世界各国所接受。低碳生活的出现不仅告诉人们,你可以为减碳做些什么,还告诉人们,你可以怎么做。在这种生活方式逐渐兴起的时候,大家开始关心,我今天有没有为减碳做些什么呢? 在北京的八达岭,一个低碳林场已经成形,即将投入运行。



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